I added her paper mache dress and feathers. I couldn't decide how to decorate her dress, so I left that for MA or Arlee to decide. Her wings aren't attached yet and her apron is tied on with a ribbon and removable.

I hung a hand charm at the end of her arm, along with a homemade charm that's meant to be the note she found when she awoke in the temple. More can be hung from her wrist loop if anyone is so inclined.

And here's my journal entry with a bit more added to her story.

My part of the story reads:
4 January 1922
Things get stranger and stranger…
I awoke as from a deep sleep - still at the temple, but (as I discovered on my return to the hotel) having lost an entire month. Stranger yet, I found myself clad not in my usual dig clothing, but in a beautiful Egyptian sheath adorned with a wondrous bustle of golden feathers like those in my new wings. In my hand I clutched a penned note saying:
“Fear not, and have faith.
Your father is safe.
As are all who await
your ecclesiastical fate.”
What in the world is going on here?! What more can happen to me as I continue on this journey?
Now to get Lady S mailed off to MA in Canada!